Monday, December 18, 2017


WMIC.EXE is a tool for accessing WMI


Return all the data about AppvClientPackage
wmic /namespace:\\ROOT\Appv Path AppvClientPackage

Return the connectiongroup names and show inuse
wmic /namespace:\\ROOT\Appv Path AppvClientConnectionGroup get Name,inuse

Use a method to return a value
wmic /namespace:\\ROOT\ccm class SMS_Client call GetAssignedSeite

Use a method to set a value
wmic /namespace:\\ROOT\ccm class SMS_Client call SetAssignedSite sSiteCode="CODE"

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Excel Addins and the OPEN keys

This article describes the potential problems of delivering Excel Addins using App-V packages and Connection Groups

There are similarities to the situation with Enable Browser Controls

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Update detection

From time to time you may need to check the updates installed on a target client.

Here's a couple of articles which discuss the method of doing this

below is a modified version of the scripts to exit with a 0 for success or 1 for fail (not present)

'Returns if Windows KB2758857 installed
Option Explicit
Dim objWMI, strComputer
strComputer = "."

'Run the query
Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &strComputer& "\root\cimv2")

Dim listPatches
Dim patch
Set listPatches = objWMI.ExecQuery ("Select * from win32_QuickFixEngineering where HotFixID like 'KB2758857'")

For Each patch in listPatches

If patch.HotFixID = "KB2758857" then

'Update found. Exit loop here with 0
'wscript.echo patch.HotFixID

wscript.quit 0

End If


'List checked but patch not found. Exit with 1
WScript.Quit 1

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

ZoomText and SCCM

Check ZoomText setup.exe for the -sccm switch.  It has a history of issues running in the system context.  The -sccm attempts to resolve them.

Articulate Storyline 2

Attempting to sequence Articulate Storyline 2 will likely result in a problem on the client where the software effectively realizes it has been "lifted and dropped".

On launch the software will error with:
Articulate Storyline has been deactivated. Please run as admin to reactivate.

Standard users will not be able to do this.  Using an admin account is useless because it only activates it for that account.

If available, Appsense may provide an option by allowing the application to run elevated.  It does not look like it will store the serialnumber even if it is included in the sequence via the SERIALNUMBER MSI property.  The user would need to know and enter it for themselves.

Further information.
The HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Crytography\RNG key is involved here.  You can see that an admin activation results in this key and others being generated in

Thursday, August 3, 2017

App-V 5x version history

App-V Version Reference

5.0 RTM    
5.0 hotfix1           5.0.515.0
5.0 SP1                5.0.1104.0
5.0 SP2                5.0.3361.0
5.0 SP2 hotfix 2   5.0.3384.0 (Clients Only)
5.0 SP2 hotfix 4   5.0.3400.0
5.0 SP2 hotfix 5   5.0.3404.0 (Clients Only)
5.0 SP2 hotfix 6   ?
5.0 SP3                 5.0.10107.0 (sequencer does not upgrade previous versions. The previous version must be removed first.  Client version DOES upgrade.

5.1 client prereqs
.NET 4.5.1 required (KB2858728))
Powershell 3.0 (KB2506143) or higher
Windows 7 Update KB25333623

5.1 sequencer prereqs
.NET 4.5.1 required (KB2858728))
Powershell 3.0 (KB2506143) or higher

5.1 HF08 sequencer prereqs
above plus KB25333623

KB2533623 superceded by DB2758857

5.1 HF01                 (CO = Clients Only)
5.1 HF02                 (CO)
5.1 HF03                 (CO)
5.1 June 2016 SR    (CO)
5.1 HF05                 (CO)
5.1 Sept 2016 SR    (CO)
5.1 HF07                 (CO)
5.1 HF08  Mar2017 SR    5.1.118 - Offline Client and Sequencers will need a certificate installed.  Clients update, Sequencers full install.

Installing the HF08 sequencer (AppV5.1RTM_Sequencer_KB4014009.exe) can be a bit of a mission.
You must install the KB2533623 update first
If the sequencer is offline then you will need to install the Microsoft Root CA certificate.
How to export the MS Root CA certificate
From experience you can just double click and install but make sure you choose Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
How to install a root certificate.

More detailed client release / version info here

Tim's page is probably more up to date though

Note that the Client UI application has its own version which does not correspond to the App-V Client version.

Windows 10 Anniversary Update version 1607 contains an App-V client which reports itself as 5.2 in the registry location

General Microsoft End of Support information (End of Life)

App-V 4.6 SP3 ended Mainstream support 14/07/2015

Friday, July 21, 2017

wscript exit code errorlevel 9009

The same script can end with different command box errorlevel values between cscript and wscript. The command box %errorlevel% after a wscript command will likely be 9009.  This is because the command interpreter immediately becomes ready for the next command even if the script is still running.  It is not able to receive the exit code from the wscript interpreter.  cscript on the otherhand waits for the script to exit before the command box is available again.  In that case the %errorlevel% command reflects the vbscript exit code.

echo %errorlevel%

Friday, July 7, 2017

Windows 10 File Explorer Quick Access - Working on it

Bit of a noddy one this.
Attempting to launch File Explorer in Windows 10 results in a window with the "Working on it" status which then hangs and then the explorer shell completely crashes and initializes.

Reboot.  Launch File Explorer by entering a known folder name in the search bar.  This launches File Explorer in a specific folder.
In View_Options_Change folder and search options:

Change the Open File Explorer to: setting to point to This PC.
Click Clear and Restore Defaults.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Enable Browser Controls

Enable Browser Controls is activated automatically by the sequencer if they are detected.  Watch out though. It is important to understand this concept described by Tim Mangan here

Briefly, Tim explains that if IE is launching with a connection group to supply visualized components then override settings on the registry keys need to be changed to merge.  Otherwise one of the app-v packages will work while the rest do not.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Teradata Tools and Utilites (TTU) 15.10

First crack looked fine until the SQL Assistant crashed on launch.  Much head scratching until the realization that the shortcut was pointing to startup.exe but the actual process was SQLA.EXE.  Launching SQLA.EXE in the bubble worked fine, so the shortcut was successfully changed from startup.exe to SQLA.EXE.  startup.exe must be some kind of launcher stub used for unknown reasons and incompatible with App-V 5.

ODBC DSNs may be required so watch out for those.

While troubleshooting, launching during sequencing or use of the PVAD caused this error during the save operation:

The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007139F

This was tracked down to the TTUProductList shortcut with an invalid path to its icon file.  Correct the icon path to point to a valid file resource and check that the file resources do not have a bad path to the original icon file.  The path seen in the sequencer window had an invalid  ..  (2dots)  in the tree which looked like it could cause trouble.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Inmagic DBTextWorks 13 needs PVAD

Inmagic DBTextWorks 13 needs to have the PVAD for a successful sequence.  Using the defaults and sequencing to the VFS results in an error.  During launch the application checks for the presence of critical files and throws an error if it does not find them.  A similar error with a normal path could be generated on a conventional install by renaming the dbtext32.cmx file.  The error from the application showing the strange path led to the idea that the PVAD might correct the problem.


Captain! She's breaking up.  ENGAGE PVAD !

Launch the sequencer with the -EnablePVADControl parameter

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Creating Volume Licensed App-V Office 2016 package using ODT

Although MS have withdrawn the option to create a Volume Licensed version of Office 2016 it is still possible to do by the power of the internet :)

Near the bottom of this article is a post by Robert Gijsen on Monday, April 10, 2017.  I have tested his instructions successfully.

Robert has provided the older ODT version for download here:  THANK YOU !!ApkCUv0wQm8UgwFgwRzJXD4N3H-R

Getting this done was not easy.  I would advise keeping the paths as short and simple as possible. Also I did seem to get success by making sure that HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun had been deleted or renamed after a run attempt.

Here is my ODT setup.exe configuration file:


  <Add OfficeClientEdition="32" Channel="Current">
    <Product ID="ProPlusVolume">
      <Language ID="en-us" />
    <Product ID="VisioProXVolume">
      <Language ID="en-us" />
    <Product ID="ProjectProXVolume">
      <Language ID="en-us" />

  <!-- Updates disabled while an update folder location is decided. -->
  <Updates Enabled="FALSE" Channel="Current" /> -->

  <!-- Install Mode Settings -->
  <Display Level="None" AcceptEULA="TRUE" />
  <Logging Level="Standard" Path="%windir%\custom\installlogs" />

  <!-- Packager Mode Settings - Sets the App-V Package GUID -->
  <Property Name="PACKAGEGUID" Value="PutYourGUIDHERE"/>

setup /download <FullPathToXMLConfigFile>

Create the folder where the App-V package will be output to.

setup /packager <FullPathToXMLConfigFile> <App-VPackageOutputFolderPath>

if that fails then you can do the magic command posted here by Trausti Sigurbjörnsson
A failure results in HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\ClickToRun\LastScerarioResult = Failure

browse to C:\Users\<user>\Appdata\Local\Temp and Copy "Microsoft Office" folder to "C:\Temp" and then rename it to MSO

After That run following command:
C:\Temp\MSO\root\flattener\flattener.exe /Source:"C:\Temp\MSO" /Dest:"C:\Temp\Office 2016 AppV" /Version:"16.0.8067.2115" /ProductReleaseIDs:"ProPlusVolume,VisioProXVolume,ProjectProXVolume" /Cultures:"en-US,x-none" /Platform:"x86"

For the above command you can determine the version number by checking in the registry for the versions written during the OfficeClickToRun.exe phase.


Error Code Meanings
error 0-1010 (0)  - check your XML in the XML config file.

The App-V package requires the App-V Client setting EnablePackageScripts = 1.  This is because there are scripts coded into the AppVXManifest.xml file within the .appv package file.  MSI installers are being called to install integration components such as the KMS server licensing items.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Globally Unique Identifiers (GUIDs) How Unique are they?

GUIDs are used as identification tags to identify and track things.  The clue is in the name.  They are unique, however because each one is a id within a defined set, it is theoretically possible to get a duplicate GUID. How possible? - well as "unique" suggests, it is nearly impossible.

What is a GUID?
A GUID is a set of 32 characters each of which has a hexadecimal value (0-f).  The are arranged in the format
They are typically randomly generated.

Each of the 32 characters is made up of 4 bits so the number of bits in the GUID is 4x32=128

6 of the bits are reserved to designate that GUID is random.

The remaining 122 bits (128-6=122) can either be 1 or 0.  This means there are 2 to the power 122 (2^122) combinations.

How many possible GUIDs are there?

2^122 which is approximately 5.3×1036
At this point it becomes a waste of time and space to use long hand notation.  These types of numbers are generally referred to in science as large numbers.  What? You'd still like to see the actual number? Oh OK its

So at this point you need something to compare that with to get a feel for how big that number is.  Here's a few numbers in order of size to get an idea.

In ascending order then:
The mass of planet earth in Kilograms
6 x 1024

Number of atoms in the average human body.
7 x 1027

The mass of the Earths Sun in Kilograms
2 x 1030

The number of water molecules in an olympic size swimming pool
1.34 x 1032

Number of possible GUIDs

Number of atoms that make up the planet earth.
1 x 1050

Monday, May 1, 2017

Disk Change Please.

Create a System Image Backup, then boot from a system repair disc and restore the image easy? Only if the new disk and the old disk are the same size.

If the new disk is smaller it is necessary to shrink the existing large disk down to a size which can fit on the new smaller disk.  The problem with shrinking is that some files are immovable which limits the amount the drive can be shrunk by.

If you run a shrink operation, it will advise how much space can be shrunk by.  In the event log a 259 event will detail the type of immovable file which is acting as a block on shrinking further.  The types of things which create immovable items are, Windows Search (turn off), Hibernation, and the most likely; System Protection, delete the restore points and related items.

Once these have been addressed, there is the option of, emptying the recycle bins and defragmenting the drive but this is unlikely to improve the shrink potential very much.

Shrinking can take a while so just leave it to get on with it.

Once the shrink has been completed, create a system image on an external drive.  I bet you're thinking you're good now right? Forget it.

You STILL won't be able restore that system image.  Can't do it to a smaller disk see? Even when a load of it is unallocated and blank.  But what you do have is a backup of the partitions in that system image :)

This forum thread saved my bacon

You can easily create a System Repair Disk within Windows 10.  You can then boot from that to a command line where the command line tools are available.  Diskpart for disk partitioning and Wbadmin for backup/restore.

In Summary

Obtain the version information of your required backup.
wbadmin get versions –backuptarget:<X:>

Obtain the sizes of your backed up partitions for your required version
wbadmin get items –version:<versioned> -backuptarget:<X:>

Use DiskPart commands or other tools to create the same sized partitions on the disk you are going to restore to.  Also use the tool to list the partitions so that you can correctly specify the recovery target.

Make use of the wbadmin help and example commands to see how to construct the commands.  They can be lengthy and accuracy is essential especially with the -items parameter.

Wbadmin start recovery –version:<versionid> -backuptarget:<x:> -itemType:Volume –items:\\?\Volume\<GUID>  -recoverytarget:D:

Once you have restored the data, you need to ensure the boot system is correctly configured.  You can try the Startup-Repair tool on the System Repair Disk although I did not have much luck with that.  DiskPart can set the active partition for you.  After that you may have to spend some time with bootrec.exe and/or bcdedit to fine tune it.  After a bit of playing I managed to get it to boot although it was not easy.  I have to admit I do not know exactly how it fixed it to boot correctly !

Friday, April 21, 2017

Adding the RunVirtual key via the DeploymentConfig.xml

The RunVirtual key can be entered via the DeploymentConfig.xml file.

    <!-- Machine Scripts Section -->
        <Arguments>ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppV\Client\RunVirtual\WINPROJ.EXE /d 36867e23-413f-4f7c-a181-0cc075ad2d1e_ed75245c-bce8-48bc-89de-e63d55c320b6 /f</Arguments>
        <Wait RollbackOnError="false" />
        <Arguments>DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppV\Client\RunVirtual\WINPROJ.EXE /f</Arguments>
        <Wait RollbackOnError="false" />

Note that for this to work the EnablePackageScripts must be set to 1.

Set-AppvClientConfiguration -EnablePacakgeScripts 1

When publishing this globally, the <name>_DeploymentConfig.xml file is specified during the Add-AppvClientPackage action

Add-AppVClientPackage <PathToAppVFile> -DynamicDeploymentConfiguration <PathTo_DeploymentConfiguration,xml>

Not tested but if packages were user published on a citrix platform the UserConfig.xml can carry similar commands and the _UserConfig.xml specified during the publishing command.  In this case the user RunVirtual Key would be used? I guess.

Further Deployment Config info

Key Words
Deployment Configuration
Deployment Config

Connection Group Related Articles
Scroll Down to
Using RunVirtual to Present Excel Addins
Configuring RunVirtual Registry from the AppxManifest.xml - this doesn't seem consistent with a proper Lead/Master pacakge / Connection Group approach.

Package and Connection Group clash
Again this does not point to the correct Lead Package/Connection Group approach.

Best known reference on Connection Groups

SCCM vs Server

This is really an advanced techniques paper from Tim including ideas for using junction points

Microsoft Connection Group reference pages

Connection groups group

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Virtual Machine Notes

Always check your BIOS visualisation settings are enabled.


Windows 10 / Windows 2012 built in.  Works well but it can be difficult getting to local disk drives on the host.

Windows Virtual PC

Windows 7 Virtual PC solution.
Existing VHDs are limited to 127.5Gb in size.

Virtual Box

Not compatible with Windows Hyper-V features activated.  You'll need to turn them off for access to 64-bit machines.*Issue now resolved since Windows 10 1803*

Existing VHD must be attached via IDE controllers.

Modify VHD sizes using:

vboxmanage.exe modifyhd <pathtoVHDfile> --resize <SizeinMB>

The vboxmanage manual

Tested with 6.0.x to 6.0.4 - It is possible to run the install of a later version installation over a previous version and retain all the VM configuration information.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Windows 10/11 Version History
Win10 Update History

.NET version history


Service Packs are replaced by Build Releases

See above links for latest information.

Run WinVer.exe to display version and build details.
 The version number uses the YYMM date convention for the number.

Major Windows 10 PC Build Releases are

For later than 1809 click here for an up to date list.

▶ Version 1809 (OS build 17763) October 18 release
▶ Version 1803 (OS build 17134) April 18 release
▶ Version 1709 (OS build 16299) Fall Creators Update
▶ Version 1703 (OS build 15063) Creators Update CodeName Redstone 2
▶ Version 1607 (OS build 14393) Anniversary Update CodeName Redstone 1 includes App-V Client and UE-V for Enterprise and Education Editions
▶ Version 1511 (OS build 10586) November Update (wow what a boring name!)
▶ Version 1507 (RTM) (OS build 10240)

keyword versions

Main build releases acquire Build Revisions e.g. 
20H2 is OS Build 19042
1526 is an example of a build revision.
In the Windows application winver this is shown as

Microsoft Windows
Version 20H2 (OS Build 19042.1526)

This page lists recent build revisions.

Windows 11

▶ Version 21H2 (OS build 22000) October 2021 release
▶ Version 22H2 (OS build 22621) September 2022 release

For Windows 11 version the OS actually reports as 10.x.x.x

Thursday, April 6, 2017

MS Office 2016 deployment notes and advice

This is probably the MOST important page.  What can you deploy\install with what regarding Project and Visio.  Pay attention at the back.

Supported scenarios for deploying Microsoft Office as an App-V package

Potential problems if you have Outlook 2016 or 2013 and an earlier version of Outlook installed on the same computer

Overview of Click-to-Run (C2R)

Checking Click-to-Run (C2R) type install

How to create an Office 2016 App-V Package
Note the volume licensing restriction on this now.  Subscription type activation only, is available.
See my post here on how to achieve this.

Office Deployment Tool (ODT) Overview

ODT supported product IDs

ODT xml configuration file options

Channels Explained

Office 365 Updates

Friday, March 31, 2017

Disk2VHD Tool for Physical to Virtual Hyper-V conversion

Important restrictions

Note: Virtual PC supports a maximum virtual disk size of 127GB. If you create a VHD from a larger disk, even if you only include data from a smaller volume, it will not be accessible from a Virtual PC VM. 

In addition Virtual PC doesn't support the Multiprocessor Specification, which means that it won't be able to boot VHD's from multiprocessor Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 systems.
If you create a VHD from Windows XP or Windows Server 2003 and plan on booting the VHD within Virtual PC, select the "Prepare VHD for use in Virtual PC" option, which ensures that the HAL (Windows Hardware Abstraction Layer) installed in the VHD is compatible with Virtual PC.

Check this post out for a VHD vs VHDX comparison

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Certificate Firefox fault

An internal intranet site with a self generated certificate was displaying correctly using IE but not using Firefox.  Firefox displayed an error with the string.


Both browsers were correctly referencing the private CA to check the certificate.

Regenerating the certificate and avoiding older lower encryption types resolved the problem.

Search :


Below are similar scenarios which were resolved by regenerating the certificate.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Appsense AM and network exes

Appsense Application Manager (very sensibly) be preventing exe on network location from running.

If you want to add an exe as an Accessible Item be aware of the following.

AM may interpret the real location i.e. the server name which the exe file is being delivered from.  If you use a path to specify the exe file location then this could fail if the path you are using is a distributed file system (DFS) type.  Consider not using the path as part of the specification.

RALogger.exe - this is the AM rules analyser.  Run this elevated while executing an exe file.  The XML logs which this tool creates will log the rules involved in blocking / allowing the file to run.

Monday, January 23, 2017

Don't forget your carrots.

I mean carats.  ^ is a carat.

In Appsense Environment Manager Personalisation if you are specifying the version of the application executable version in the RegEx field it is a important to use

^11.*  for a exe with a 11.0.2600.0 version.  The carat makes appsense read the string from the beginning and without it, it probably will not work.