Friday, April 21, 2017

Adding the RunVirtual key via the DeploymentConfig.xml

The RunVirtual key can be entered via the DeploymentConfig.xml file.

    <!-- Machine Scripts Section -->
        <Arguments>ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppV\Client\RunVirtual\WINPROJ.EXE /d 36867e23-413f-4f7c-a181-0cc075ad2d1e_ed75245c-bce8-48bc-89de-e63d55c320b6 /f</Arguments>
        <Wait RollbackOnError="false" />
        <Arguments>DELETE HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AppV\Client\RunVirtual\WINPROJ.EXE /f</Arguments>
        <Wait RollbackOnError="false" />

Note that for this to work the EnablePackageScripts must be set to 1.

Set-AppvClientConfiguration -EnablePacakgeScripts 1

When publishing this globally, the <name>_DeploymentConfig.xml file is specified during the Add-AppvClientPackage action

Add-AppVClientPackage <PathToAppVFile> -DynamicDeploymentConfiguration <PathTo_DeploymentConfiguration,xml>

Not tested but if packages were user published on a citrix platform the UserConfig.xml can carry similar commands and the _UserConfig.xml specified during the publishing command.  In this case the user RunVirtual Key would be used? I guess.

Further Deployment Config info

Key Words
Deployment Configuration
Deployment Config