MSI, App-V, SCCM, Appsense, Citrix. This blog contains hints and tips on these technologies. Primarily it is an online notebook of items that I may need to refer to in the future, or things I constantly forget!
Wednesday, August 9, 2017
Articulate Storyline 2
Attempting to sequence Articulate Storyline 2 will likely result in a problem on the client where the software effectively realizes it has been "lifted and dropped".
On launch the software will error with:
Articulate Storyline has been deactivated. Please run as admin to reactivate.
Standard users will not be able to do this. Using an admin account is useless because it only activates it for that account.
If available, Appsense may provide an option by allowing the application to run elevated. It does not look like it will store the serialnumber even if it is included in the sequence via the SERIALNUMBER MSI property. The user would need to know and enter it for themselves.
Further information.
The HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Crytography\RNG key is involved here. You can see that an admin activation results in this key and others being generated in