Friday, December 21, 2012

Filemaker Pro 8.5 with a Win 7 fix server.pem file

The installation references the “Assisted Install.txt” to aquire the variables necessary for a silent/unattended installation.

The installation instructions describe copying over a server.pem file which is necessary for using the product on Windows 7.  The silent installation creates a server.pem file.  It is copied down to the client during the normal InstallFiles action however it is also recreated by a vendor custom action – LaunchOpenSSL.  In order for the silent installation to correctly place the Windows 7 fix version the transform has been designed in the following way:
The transform copies down the Windows 7 fix file called serverWin7Fix.pem_
After the vendor custom action creates the server.pem file a BC_Win7FixServer.pem custom action copies the serverWin7Fix.pem file over the server.pem file.

The application has an autoupdate plugin this is activated by default and controlled by a HKCU key

HKCU\Software\FileMaker\FileMaker Pro\8.5\PlugIns

The data value for the above registry key disables the autoupdate.

The registry key is written in using autorepair prior to first launch by the BC_HKCU component which has been associated with the Application feature to utilise autorepair functionality.

vbscript custom action: note could be improved by use of variables.

On Error Resume Next
'This script places a Windows7 fixed version of server.pem into the installed file set.

Dim objFSO, AppFolder
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
AppFolder = "C:\Program Files (x86)\FileMaker\FileMaker Pro 8.5\"
Const OverwriteExisting = "True"
objFSO.CopyFile AppFolder & "serverWin7Fix.pem_" , AppFolder & "server.pem" , OverwriteExisting 

The custom action was called last in the InstallExecuteSequence "CA_Win7FixServer.pem"  NOT REMOVE~="ALL"

Microsoft Windows Essentials 2102 Movie Maker - silent install MSI wrap design

Microsoft Windows Essentials is a collection of consumer software provided free by Microsoft for use on Windows 7.  The version solutioned here was 2012 v16.4.3505.0912

In normal interactive use, it is a controlled by a setup.exe shell which coordinates many MSI type installs which are automatically extracted out at runtime.  The challenge was to find a why to do a silent deployment in a corporate environment.

Firstly it was necessary to understand how the setup.exe program maybe installed in an unattended way.

The following command line enabled only the required applications from Windows Essentials to be installed.
/q /Nolaunch /NOToolbarCEIP /Nohomepage /nosearch /NOMU /AppSelect:MovieMaker /log:<PathToLog>\Microsoft_WindowsEssentials2012MovieMaker_16.4.3505.0912_P1.0.log

Although this command worked, the user was still exposed to various unwanted prompts on the first occasion that they launched Movie Maker.  These could be avoided by pre populating the user registry with relevent keys that had been previously identified.  The prompts were about signing in to Windows LIVE and  choosing file extensions.

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows Live\Photo Gallery\Library DontShowAssociationsDialogExtensions [~].TIFF[~].TIF[~].DIB[~].WDP[~].PNG[~].ICO[~].JPE[~].JPG[~].BMP[~].JFIF[~].JPEG

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows Live\Photo Gallery

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows Live\Common


The MSI package design was intended to be deployed via SCCM.

The Setup.exe was imported to the binary table and called by a custom action to start the install.  The uninstall.exe was also imported to the binary table and called during an uninstall.  

ActiveSetup keys were used to expose users at first logon to the HKCU keys which prevent the unwanted prompts appearing.

The SMS package definition file carried the CANRUNWHEN=NoUserLoggedOn to ensure all users were exposed to the HKCU keys before having access to the shortcuts.

Monday, November 26, 2012

InstallAware is an installshield like wrapper for MSIs.

Sharefile Drive Map software appears to have an installaware wrapper.  The executable wrapper seems to accept a /s command line switch to enable it to install silently.  the /s can be followed by standard MSI command line parameters to add transforms etc.

Monday, November 19, 2012

App-V Maxmium Package Name Length

SCCM has a limitation on the package name length of 50 characters.

With most naming conventions this can be easily reached, therefore careful attention is necessary when creating app-v package names to ensure that only a maximum of 50 characters are used.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

SCCM Package Path Length Analysis

SCCM Package Path Length Analysis

SCCM DP Update vs Refresh

SCCM 2007 DP Update vs Refresh

Summary: Use Update when the source changes, refresh to refresh the DPs e.g. in case corruption is suspected.

SCCM 2012

Update Content:  When source changes have been applied.

Confusingly, when carrying out a Update Content operation the prompt says:

Are you sure that you want to refresh content for this deployment type?

Refreshing content will create a new revision of this application and may cause client to be updated.

Redistribute: to refresh the DPs e.g. in case corruption is suspected.
Application Properties>Content Location>Redistribute button

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Requested operation requires elevation - App-V 4.6 error

An application called Hancom Office Configuration Utility threw an App-V error shown in the blog page below.

Adding the follow code to the OSD solved the issue even though the user was not an admin


Friday, September 7, 2012

OSD call to a vbscript to create a shortcut

This call was used in a Vidyo Desktop launch OSD.  Its purpose is to create a favorite in the users IE favorites folder on the launch of the application shortcut.

It runs quickly and silently.  The variable %sft_mst% normally has the Q: value which is substituted in at runtime.

<HREF>wscript.exe %sft_mnt%\011016.v01\CreateFavorite\CreateFavorite.vbs</HREF>


'Creates a user favorite

Dim objWshShell, vFavorites, objShortcutUrl

Set objWshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

vFavorites = objWshShell.specialfolders("Favorites")
Set objShortcutUrl = objWshShell.CreateShortcut(vFavorites & "\Vidyo Conferencing.url")
objShortcutUrl.TargetPath = ""

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Adobe Reader X 10.1.4


Obtain the download details at the above location to download the media.

Obtain the Customisation Install Wizard (CIW) from the above location.  The enterprise deployment document is also useful reading.

Run the setup and obtain the extracted install media files.

Do an admin install to a selected location.
msiexec /a acroread.msi

Patch the admin point
msiexec /p <PatchName>.msp

Create any Javascripts required to control menu items.

Use the CIW to create a transform for the admin point acroread.msi.
Include the above javascript files in the files section of the tool.

Customise the transform in ORCA if necessary.

Friday, August 24, 2012

App-V 4.6 manual local setup

Use the following command to test a package on an App-V client without using a deployment server.

Firstly check streaming from a local file is enabled. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SoftGrid\4.5\Client\Configuration\AllowIndependentFileStreaming = 1

sftmime add package:<packagename> /manifest <path to *_manifest.xml file> /overrideurl <path to *.sft> /global

also use this to remove it

sftmime delete package:<packagename>

use this to repair it.  This can be run in the context of the user. The AppName is as per the properties of the items shown in the sftcmc.msc App-V applet.

sftmime repair app:<AppName>

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Personal Productivity Applications are not supported.

Packaging Rule No. 357

Personal Productivity Applications are not supported.

Adobe AIR 3.x 4.x 13.x etc

Download the installer and extract out the resource files along with setup.msi.

Attempts to run the setup.msi file end with "Could not access network location (computed)."

This section applies to older 3.x only****
Apply the following modifications:
Create a transform for the MSI
Set the property

Prevent the EULA prompt:
Create the eulaAccepted file by launching an AIR application and configure the package to deliver this to C:\ProgramData\Adobe\AIR

Prevent Updates:
HKLM\Software\Policies\Adobe\AIR    DWORD UpdateDisabled     value #1

Starting 14 November 2013 Adobe made a significant change to their versioning number approach.
At the time of this update (April 2014) running the downloaded AIR installer resulted in an installation versioned 4.0.1390.0.  After running the executable installer an update would almost immediately be offered.  Running this update downloaded and runs an updated setup.msi in the temp folder.  This is similar to the original setup.msi and applies later file versions.

To create a package of an up to date Adobe AIR installation it is necessary to trap the updated setup.msi running from the temp folder during the update process.  Use this in the same way as previously to create your package.

Adobe AIR version information

Thursday, August 16, 2012


psexec.exe is a sysinternals tool for remotely running commands.

For example

psexec.exe \\machine ipconfig /all

remotely runs the ipconfig /all command on \\machine but provides the output to the "host" machine where psexec.exe has been run. admin permissions are required of course.

psexec can also be used to run commands in the context of the local system account.  Using

psexec -s -d msiexec.exe /i "%~dp0xxFILENAMExx.MSI" TRANSFORMS="%~dp0xxPackageNamexx.mst" /L*V %temp%\xxPackageNamexx.log /qn

would run a Windows Installer installation in the context of the Local System account in the same way that SCCM does. -s Use System Account  -d Don't wait for process to terminate (Non Interactive)

A further option enables the current command window to run as it would on the remote machine.  For example, after issuing the command

psexec \\machinename cmd.exe -i

the current command window now acts as it would on the remote machine.  Typing HOSTNAME will return the remote machines hostname not the hostname of the machine the command window appears to be running on.

psexec \\machinename -s cmd.exe -i

the above command runs the session in system context.

PsExec cmds will not execute against a remote ip address/machine unless either a) that machines Firewall is disabled or b) File and Print Sharing is enabled - so it can access the Admin$ share.

-u <username> -p <password> can be used to supply the admin account credentials

Friday, August 3, 2012

Web Browser Plug in Test Pages

Java Version (expired)?  this page explains the new (Jan '14) unsigned Java applet restrictions


Sites and URLs listed in a text file %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\Security\exception.sites

can be excepted.

Javascript Benchmarking

SVG Test Page

PDF Test Page

Silverlight Test Page

Note: Ensure the Silverlight ActiveX control is enabled in IE or else it may appear to be installed but not working.

Embedded QuickTime movie page

Embedded Video test page - Big Buck Bunny

Test Media Library - multiple formats
Quicktime (MOV) Test File 13 does play in Quicktime player but it is a very
boring video about a tortoise.  Sorry.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Passing Remote Recording through RDP on Win 7

I was using Microsoft Remote Desktop on a Microsoft Windows 7 machine to remotely control an other Windows 7 machine an I was running Skype on the remote machine. There was coming sound through the boxes of the local machine, but the microphone was not recorded even when the settings of the Local Resources where: Remote audio playback [Play on this computer] and Remote audio recording [Record from this computer].


The problem was found in the control panel > sound > recording > Select a recording device below to modify its settings:
this list was empty.

After setting the registry key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\fDisableAudioCapture] to [0] on the remote machine and reconnecting the problem was solved.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Techsmith Jing %LOCALAPPDATA% exclusion

Techsmith Jing v2.6.12032

Jing is free screen shot and windows video capture software.

The problem with the Jing sequence was that it did not repair as expected.  An App-V repair should delete the user settings and usually cause the application to launch as it does after it is first delivered. 

The Jing app is arguably not written quite correctly.  It stores it’s user settings in files under %LOCALAPPDATA%\Techsmith\Jing   This location should be used for large application user orientated files that are not suited to roaming in the profile.  In order that the App-V application user cache does not get too large App-V apps are allowed to write to this REAL location and do not redirect it to a location “inside the bubble”.   Attempts to write to %APPDATA% and user registry are redirected to the App-V user cache.  When the app is repaired the user cache is deleted and the settings are removed.  The problem with Jing was that the user settings are being written outside the bubble to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Techsmith\Jing   This meant that the repair of the Jing sequence did not work !  The user setting were retained L

It can be fixed though.  Before you sequence an application where you want the %LOCALAPPDATA% kept inside the bubble, remove these locations from the excluded folders list.  Also when you get to the “Configure Software” stage launch the application so that it (hopefully) writes some launch config files to %LOCALAPPDATA% which will go inside the bubble. Watch for unwanted user specific stuff though.

Specifically, in this case the software asks for online account information to be entered.  Once the settings are properly redirected inside the bubble, repairing the application correctly causes the account information to be lost when a repair is done.

Although this application could be successfully sequenced and launched it turned out to be very fragile on the client.  It could be consistently broken by launching immediately after a shutdown.  This seemed to cause some sort of corruption which could not be rectified by deleting caches (any of them!).  There was insufficient time to analyse further, ultimately it was delivered as an MSI.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Skpe App-V

Skpe and App-v....

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hyper-V remote server management

It’s possible to manage the Hyper-V VMs without remoteing into the Hyper-V server itself.

Windows6.1-KB958830-x64-RefreshPkg.msu or Windows6.1-KB958830-x86-RefreshPkg.msu

Run it to install the Remote Server Admin Tools.
Go to the Programs and Features applet in the control panel and click “Turn Windows Features On or Off”
Activate the Hyper-V tools by selecting the item under Remote Server Administration Tools \ Role Administration Tools

Monday, May 21, 2012

.lnk files in 32/64bit environments

Avoid using .lnk files in packages which could potentially be used in a mixed 32/64-bit environment.  They would be effectively be hardcoded to point to either C:\Program Files.... OR C:\Program Files (x86)....

Friday, April 20, 2012

In case anyone says it is the packager's job to make an application work.....

The packaging consultants role is to create an installation from a set of information that can produce a working installation, as opposed to creating a method to make an application work.  While the packager can bring useful skills to the process, ultimately it is the application owner who is the expert on any given application and responsible for finding a working configuration.  This is then fed back to the packager so that it can be incorporated to the installation package. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

HP ALM Client

The MSI is a “vendor” MSI but is actually generated from a backend system to enable client installations.  The base MSI does not have many entries eg Extensions Table that would normally be expected.  As a result any resources that are installed via an accompanying transform must have the standard table entries added to support the installation of those resources.

In the case of the package above Microsoft Office Addins were requested to be included within the pacakge.  These were captured separately, and the resulting WSI (wise) capture results were used as a guide to author those resources into a transform for the main HP ALM Client MSI.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

MS SQL Express 2005 SP3

The page below describes using an ini file to provide input to the Setup.exe which allows it to run silently.  The command line given is

setup.exe /settings <path to ini> /qn

ini file lines:
USERNAME="My Company"

Although the ini file did work in the main, it did not generate an installation that exactly matched that which occured during an interactive installation.

Specifying the parmeters on the setup.exe command line did produce an installation exactly the same as the interactive one.  SQLCOLLATION was the clients selected setting in this case.  Other option are documented at the link above.

setup.exe USERNAME="Company Name" COMPANY="Company Name" ADDLOCAL=SQL_Engine,SQL_Data_Files,SQL_Replication SQLCOLLATION=SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS INSTANCENAME=MSSQLSERVER /qn


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Oracle Hyperion Excel Plugins v11

This post is the result of packaging two installations from Oracle that setup Excel Addins.

Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office, Fusion Edition.msi
Oracle(R) Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, Fusion Edition.msi

Both of these are supplied inside Installshield installation executeables from which the MSIs can be extracted.

The solutions below involve configuring the installation directory to a location under program files, instead of the default of C:\Oracle.....

Oracle Hyperion Smart View for Office, Fusion Edition.msi was relatively straightforward. This MSI could be extracted from %TEMP% in the normal way and installed using standard msiexec command lines.

The essential parts of the transform are below.  It seemed to be uneasy with spaces in the path but then Windows 95 only came out 17 years ago at the time of writing.

Directory Table
ProgramFilesFolder TARGETDIR .:PROGRA~1|progra~1

Property Table
INSTALLDIR C:\Progra~1\Oracle\SmartView\
APPLPATH C:\Progra~1\Oracle\SmartView\

The smartview Excel Addin is a COM type involving the key

Oracle(R) Essbase Spreadsheet Add-in, Fusion Edition.msi was tricky.  Going down the normal approaches with this item resulted in a broken install.  Essentially, if an attempt is made to silently excute the extracted MSI, the installation reports success but the result is a broken install.  (The connect menu item will not generate a dialog.)

The only way to silently or (basic) install a working installation was to use a command line for the installation executable

Spreadsheet Add-in.exe /S /v"/qb-! TRANSFORMS=TransformName.mst BINARY=en"

This transform for this included
Property Table
ARBORPATH C:\Progra~1\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11r1\products\ExcelAddin
ESSBASEPATH C:\Progra~1\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11r1\products\ExcelAddin
INSTALLDIR C:\Progra~1\Oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11r1
The transform design also had vbs script custom actions and an Active Setup key to automatically setup the addins for subsequently logged on users.  These were not strictly necessary however without them users would have to use the provided shortcuts to register and unregister the addins for themselves.

This solution was discovered on this message board.

Note also that installing to a 64bit platform would require a transform to have relevent values set to C:\Progra~2 which equates to the C:\Program Files (x86) location on a 64bit machine.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Google Chrome Config

Use this Google Chome extension to get new tabs loading a webpage instead of other junk you don't want.

Note that these Google Chrome offline or online installers will set Chrome as the default browser during the install and generate desktop and task bar shortcuts.  The default browser does not get set to Chrome if the install is done remotely via the system account.  Don't get /silent /install the wrong way round because it will leave the install in a VERY broken state.

Offline Installer

The ChromeStandaloneSetup.exe can be used with /silent /install and installs the Chrome version contained within the exe.  The update services will update Chrome in the background to the latest version.

Online installer
This Chrome_Installer.exe stub installer downloads and installs the latest version of Chrome.  /silent /install is supported.

Download the 'Chrome_Installer.exe' from<Version Number>/chrome_installer.exe where version number for '12.0.742.100' would be '742.100'

The Google update services appear to handle application updates automatically in the background so that no user intervention is required to do updates.  If an older version of Chrome is launched and "About Google Chrome" is clicked, an update can only achieved by entering admin credentials.

Google Update for Enterprise

Other related pages

Chromium Download

Monday, March 5, 2012

Java certificates

Some Java items require the user to indicate via a dialog that the publisher is trusted.  This can be a one time operation if the user selects the Always Trust check box. 

If this is done, a certificate is added to a Java keystore in the users profile %USERPROFILE%\Appdata\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Security\trusted.certs  This file is a keystore which has the certificate added to it.  If the process occurs interactively the keystore is created if it does not exist, or has the certificate added to it.  The interactive process does not seem to apply a password to the keystore that gets created.

The keytool looks as though it can be used to manage the keystore but it needs passwords which seems to make the the situation above unmanagable in a conventional packaging scenario.  With App-V it could be possible to have the trusted.certs file created and override any existing one in the users profile within the App-V bubble.

Changing config item in an App-V package

It is possible to update the application configuration of an App-V package by opening the package in the sequencer using the Modify Existing mode and selecting the Add An Application.  Run though the items an quickly start and finish monitoring before using the Configure Application item to launch the application and access the location of the required configuration change. Complete the change, close the app and complete the sequencer stages before saving.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

SWIFT Crest NSL v3.2

Crest NSL is a java app that installs from a non-MSI installation executable and appears to provide a Network Security Layer (NSL) in someway.  It is easily captured. During the installation it installs MS VC++ 2005 x86 and MS VC++ 2008 x86 redistributables.  You may want to split these out as dependencies.  The latter is straightforward to retrieve from the temp folders during an interactive installation.  The former appears only fleetingly in the temp folder while it is being called during the installation.  Make a quick copy of the temp folder during the interactive installation run so that you can turn the MS VC++ 2005 x86 redistributable into a dependency package.

The shortcut is a link to an HTML file and launches in IE.  The target HTML file has ActiveX components which the browser will most likely require the user to authorise for security reasons.  It is unlikely you will be able to work around this because the browser settings are probably (should be) controlled by group policy.

The NSL Manager link on this page will launch a java applet which will also require the user to authorise.  They should select the "Always trust" tick box.  Again it unlikely this can be handled by the package due to the nature of the command line keystore management utilities in java.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Axiom Automated Regulatory Reporting

This application uses it own Java Runtime Environment (JRE).  The installation includes a session setup routine where the various connections are configured, including server name and port.  For each entry two All User shortcuts are created which point to generated vbs files reponsible for the launching.  During launch updated java application files are downloaded.  The is also a client config shortcut for users to create further connections. 

All works fine if you are an admin but clearly users can't create All Users shortcuts so that part could be a problem.  Also the program files\axiom etc would proabably need permissioning.  The installer is a non-MSI extract \ install executable.

Articulate Quizmaker '09 etc

Articulate Quizmaker/Engage/Presenter/Video Encoder has needed a special approach to the package creation due to the design of the vendor’s installer and the licensing \ activation system this software uses.

The vendor’s installation is an Installshield non-MSI executable file. While the installation is non-MSI the executable does extract out MSIs from within itself and call these during the installation routine.

App-V sequencing was not possible and resulted in the launch error shown below. Capture techniques too, resulted in the launch error. These approaches do not support the 30 day trial mode that the vendors installation sets up when it runs.

In order to produce a silent installation package for this application it was necessary to resort to the vendors\installshield limited options. This involves creating a response file which is passed to the installation executable at runtime to achieve a silent installation. This provides limited control over the installation as it essentially just automated the responses that an interactive user would supply to the installation dialog boxes.

Addtional scripting may be required to control the shortcuts that are created on the desktop and in All Users programs menu.

Each user needs to activate at first launch.
Below is the launch error encountered when standard packaging techniques are attempted with this installation:

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

App-V Merge with local key

Merge with local key in the Virtual Registry causes the values in the bubble to override those that may exist on the machine.  Values not specified in the bubble are visible from inside the bubble.

Override local key I would expect would completely override any existing key on the machine.  To the point where values in the key on the machine would not be visible from inside the bubble. (not tested)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

General Applications - Brief Notes

BMC Bladelogic v8.1SP3
  • Does not correctly install with a Q: redirect - problem with the jre folder it expects to find - it does not get created. VFS is ok.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Dynamic Suiting Example

Example of Text entry in a suited OSD.

        <CODEBASE HREF="HTTP://servername/W7_ORACLE_CLIENT/112010/000_V/ORACLE_ORACLE_CLIENT_112010_085034.000_2.sft" GUID="B29E6F4A-5FFA-4430-A1B3-2DB8C88A3737" PARAMETERS="" FILENAME="C:\app\Oracle\product\11.2.0\client_32\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloperW.exe" SYSGUARDFILE="085034.000_ORACLE_ORACLE_CLIENT_112010\osguard.cp" SIZE="2076996893" MANDATORY="TRUE" />
      <ENVLIST />

Thursday, February 9, 2012


Correct Environment Table entries for paths

Name Field
*    System Environment Variable
=-    Set variable on install and remove on uninstall

Value Field
[~];<path to be added>
[~]  represents the existing path

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Active Setup

Active Setup is the option available to expose a user profile to a one time code run.  This is used where machine installs need to apply something to the user environment the first time a user logs into a machine.  It is useful if there are no other entry points for the MSI to trigger a repair or it needs to be automated.

[HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\<unique key name maybe a GUID>]
"StubPath"=<command to execute>

An example command to trigger a repair would be
msiexec /fup {MSI ProductCode GUID} /qb-!

After the first exposure of a user to the machine the associated key is created in the user profile, preventing further runs at login.

[HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\<unique key name maybe a GUID>]

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

OSD version field has a 16 character limit

The version field of the OSD configuration dialog box which can be used to uniquize OSDs is limited to 16 characters.