Friday, February 24, 2012

Articulate Quizmaker '09 etc

Articulate Quizmaker/Engage/Presenter/Video Encoder has needed a special approach to the package creation due to the design of the vendor’s installer and the licensing \ activation system this software uses.

The vendor’s installation is an Installshield non-MSI executable file. While the installation is non-MSI the executable does extract out MSIs from within itself and call these during the installation routine.

App-V sequencing was not possible and resulted in the launch error shown below. Capture techniques too, resulted in the launch error. These approaches do not support the 30 day trial mode that the vendors installation sets up when it runs.

In order to produce a silent installation package for this application it was necessary to resort to the vendors\installshield limited options. This involves creating a response file which is passed to the installation executable at runtime to achieve a silent installation. This provides limited control over the installation as it essentially just automated the responses that an interactive user would supply to the installation dialog boxes.

Addtional scripting may be required to control the shortcuts that are created on the desktop and in All Users programs menu.

Each user needs to activate at first launch.
Below is the launch error encountered when standard packaging techniques are attempted with this installation: