Friday, December 21, 2012

Filemaker Pro 8.5 with a Win 7 fix server.pem file

The installation references the “Assisted Install.txt” to aquire the variables necessary for a silent/unattended installation.

The installation instructions describe copying over a server.pem file which is necessary for using the product on Windows 7.  The silent installation creates a server.pem file.  It is copied down to the client during the normal InstallFiles action however it is also recreated by a vendor custom action – LaunchOpenSSL.  In order for the silent installation to correctly place the Windows 7 fix version the transform has been designed in the following way:
The transform copies down the Windows 7 fix file called serverWin7Fix.pem_
After the vendor custom action creates the server.pem file a BC_Win7FixServer.pem custom action copies the serverWin7Fix.pem file over the server.pem file.

The application has an autoupdate plugin this is activated by default and controlled by a HKCU key

HKCU\Software\FileMaker\FileMaker Pro\8.5\PlugIns

The data value for the above registry key disables the autoupdate.

The registry key is written in using autorepair prior to first launch by the BC_HKCU component which has been associated with the Application feature to utilise autorepair functionality.

vbscript custom action: note could be improved by use of variables.

On Error Resume Next
'This script places a Windows7 fixed version of server.pem into the installed file set.

Dim objFSO, AppFolder
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
AppFolder = "C:\Program Files (x86)\FileMaker\FileMaker Pro 8.5\"
Const OverwriteExisting = "True"
objFSO.CopyFile AppFolder & "serverWin7Fix.pem_" , AppFolder & "server.pem" , OverwriteExisting 

The custom action was called last in the InstallExecuteSequence "CA_Win7FixServer.pem"  NOT REMOVE~="ALL"