The error text is:
Acronis True Image
Failed to write data to the disk <sector number> of hard disk <number>
Failed to write to the snapshot manager drive. (0x1000DA)
Unknown status. (0x9)
The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error (0xFFF0)
Retry / Ignore / Ignore All / Cancel
Some of the recovery job did proceed until the failure, each time at a different disk sector. The suspicion was that the drivers for the SSD drive being written to were crashing out causing the failure.
To work around the problem, the latest bootable recovery media was downloaded from the Account area on the Arconis website. A further problem then occurred. The downloaded bootable recovery media was linux based and could not read the external USB 3.0 drive containing the disk images. As the computer was still bootable from another drive and OS, the disk image was copied to an internal drive which the linux bootable recovery software could see.
The recovery then completed as expected without issue.
keywords recovery restore ATI Acronis True Image 2018