MSI, App-V, SCCM, Appsense, Citrix. This blog contains hints and tips on these technologies. Primarily it is an online notebook of items that I may need to refer to in the future, or things I constantly forget!
Friday, January 11, 2019
App-V Client Service Error 575
Windows could not start the Microsoft App-V Client on <machinename>. For more information review the System Event Log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specfic error code 575.
This occured in some seemingly normal deployment collection change in SCCM. Machines were moved from one collection where the package had already been targeted due to an upgrade, to another collection intended to be used for the specific version deployment. The expected behaviour was that the SCCM client would detect the package was already applied and report "Already compliant" for the deployment stats. That didn't happen........
The App-V clients were affected - in a bad way.
The app involved had the C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\AppV\Client\Catalog\Packages\{PackageGUID} folder deleted then the service started fine.
Ran the Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle on the client and the SCCM client resurrected the package from the SCCM cache within a minute.
Root Cause - unknown. Suspected corruption of the XML files in the catalog folder
Thanks to
It was possible to do a mass correction / repair operation by deploying a powershell script to automate the above repair actions.