Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Update detection

From time to time you may need to check the updates installed on a target client.

Here's a couple of articles which discuss the method of doing this


below is a modified version of the scripts to exit with a 0 for success or 1 for fail (not present)

'Returns if Windows KB2758857 installed
Option Explicit
Dim objWMI, strComputer
strComputer = "."

'Run the query
Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" &strComputer& "\root\cimv2")

Dim listPatches
Dim patch
Set listPatches = objWMI.ExecQuery ("Select * from win32_QuickFixEngineering where HotFixID like 'KB2758857'")

For Each patch in listPatches

If patch.HotFixID = "KB2758857" then

'Update found. Exit loop here with 0
'wscript.echo patch.HotFixID

wscript.quit 0

End If


'List checked but patch not found. Exit with 1
WScript.Quit 1

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

ZoomText and SCCM

Check ZoomText setup.exe for the -sccm switch.  It has a history of issues running in the system context.  The -sccm attempts to resolve them.

Articulate Storyline 2

Attempting to sequence Articulate Storyline 2 will likely result in a problem on the client where the software effectively realizes it has been "lifted and dropped".

On launch the software will error with:
Articulate Storyline has been deactivated. Please run as admin to reactivate.

Standard users will not be able to do this.  Using an admin account is useless because it only activates it for that account.

If available, Appsense may provide an option by allowing the application to run elevated.  It does not look like it will store the serialnumber even if it is included in the sequence via the SERIALNUMBER MSI property.  The user would need to know and enter it for themselves.

Further information.
The HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Crytography\RNG key is involved here.  You can see that an admin activation results in this key and others being generated in

Thursday, August 3, 2017

App-V 5x version history


App-V Version Reference

5.0 RTM    
5.0 hotfix1           5.0.515.0
5.0 SP1                5.0.1104.0
5.0 SP2                5.0.3361.0
5.0 SP2 hotfix 2   5.0.3384.0 (Clients Only)
5.0 SP2 hotfix 4   5.0.3400.0
5.0 SP2 hotfix 5   5.0.3404.0 (Clients Only)
5.0 SP2 hotfix 6   ?
5.0 SP3                 5.0.10107.0 (sequencer does not upgrade previous versions. The previous version must be removed first.  Client version DOES upgrade.

5.1 client prereqs
.NET 4.5.1 required (KB2858728))
Powershell 3.0 (KB2506143) or higher
Windows 7 Update KB25333623 https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2533623/microsoft-security-advisory-insecure-library-loading-could-allow-remot

5.1 sequencer prereqs
.NET 4.5.1 required (KB2858728))
Powershell 3.0 (KB2506143) or higher

5.1 HF08 sequencer prereqs
above plus KB25333623

KB2533623 superceded by DB2758857

5.1 HF01                 (CO = Clients Only)
5.1 HF02                 (CO)
5.1 HF03                 (CO)
5.1 June 2016 SR    (CO)
5.1 HF05                 (CO)
5.1 Sept 2016 SR    (CO)
5.1 HF07                 (CO)
5.1 HF08  Mar2017 SR    5.1.118 - Offline Client and Sequencers will need a certificate installed.  Clients update, Sequencers full install.

Installing the HF08 sequencer (AppV5.1RTM_Sequencer_KB4014009.exe) can be a bit of a mission.
You must install the KB2533623 update first
If the sequencer is offline then you will need to install the Microsoft Root CA certificate.
How to export the MS Root CA certificate
From experience you can just double click and install but make sure you choose Trusted Root Certification Authorities.
How to install a root certificate.

More detailed client release / version info here

Tim's page is probably more up to date though

Note that the Client UI application has its own version which does not correspond to the App-V Client version.

Windows 10 Anniversary Update version 1607 contains an App-V client which reports itself as 5.2 in the registry location

General Microsoft End of Support information (End of Life)

App-V 4.6 SP3 ended Mainstream support 14/07/2015
