Thursday, April 24, 2014

Google Chrome ThinApp 5.0

Chrome v34.0.1847.116 cannot currently update inside the bubble.  Also the update functionality prevents proper shutdown of the ThinApp application and processes continue after closure.

The solution is to delete the %ProgramFilesDir%\Google\Update folder from the ThinApp folder set before building.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Accessing Windows 7 C$ on Workgroup PCs

It is a bit tricky to get the admin shares and remote psexec access onto Win7 workgroup machine without a couple of tweaks.

This solution was obtained from the link below.

Create the following registry key to enable the remote administrative shares on a Windows 7 machine in a workgroup


LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy       REG_DWORD        1

In the firewall control enable File and Printer Sharing in the "All programs to communicate through the Windows Firewall"

administrative share
admin share

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Use this utility to remove the "Open File - Security Warning" that can appear when some applications are run.

streams.exe -d <path of target exe>

also see this item

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Managing Google Maps

Maps and Classic Maps - as usual Classic is better than the new version.

It is not possible to create a map and then create a copy but it can be done in a very round about way.

Create a map then export it to a KML file and save it locally.
Create a classic map and import the KML file.
Create a new map and select a classic map to import from.

Dumb huh?

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Windows 8.1 user account / microsoft account / network

If a local account is associated with a microsoft account on Windows 8.1 it could prevent that local account being used to access resources shared by the machine on the network.