MSI, App-V, SCCM, Appsense, Citrix. This blog contains hints and tips on these technologies. Primarily it is an online notebook of items that I may need to refer to in the future, or things I constantly forget!
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Avery Wizard 5.0
Avery Wizard 5.0 is free label creation software which can be downloaded from
There are no shortcuts and instead the installer creates an addin to Office applications which links into the Avery Wizard software. In Word an Avery Tab appears.
Initially it did not look suitable for App-V 5.0 because there was no shortcut entry points available (Word installed locally) and providing shortcuts where none are normally needed was seen as an unecessary change to the user experience.
However when the installer was analysed to create a machine installation delivered from SCCM the vendor's MSI had multiple issues (custom actions did not function as intended). Clearly it was only designed to be installed and used by a users whose account was an administrator. When installed by such a user it performed satisfactorily.
Installing using ALLUSERS=1 using an admin account left a normal user account with a 30+ second wait to launch Word.
Although a transform with preset property values (see below) could be used to enable a machine installation under the system account, any machines installed would suffer 30+ seconds launch delays for Word.
With more time available it may be possible to create a properly working local installation for SCCM delivery however given the issues, it was decided to revert back to App-V. Unfortunately this also suffered extended launch times for Word when an App-V shortcut to Word was created, but this only had to be endured when Avery was actually needed. The remainder of the time the local install of Word launching time would remain reasonable.
Transform items enabling a System Account install.
WORDSTARTUPFOLDER C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\STARTUP
HKCU(orLM)\Software\Avery\Avery Assistant\5.0\AutoUpdate\AutoUpdateEnable DWORD 0
HKCU(orLM)\Software\Avery\Avery Assistant\5.0\AutoUpdate\InitialRun DWORD 1