Wednesday, August 7, 2013

App-V 4.6 to 5.0 changes and differences.

  • May not pick up certain kinds of shortcuts like URLs
  • The MSI, compression and Security Descriptors are no longer options - they are ON.
  • The appv file is zip compatible.
  • The inside of the bubble does not look fully virtualised.  For example if you set an environmental variable during sequencing to the Primary Virtual Application Directory (PVAD) C:\Program Files (x86)\AppName  you will see the environmental variable in the bubble but pointing to the C:\ProgramData\Appv\<GUID>\<GUID>\Root location.  C:\Program Files (x86)\AppName cannot be browsed to but is accessible if called directly via a CD command or typed directly into an explorer window.
Later versions may address the above aspects.

Watch out for problems you thought were fixed in 4.6 coming back to get you again in version 5.0.  Here's an example.

Do not revert back to a live running VM image to create a new sequence in App-V 5.0 because the package GUID will be the SAME as any previous sequence you created from that image.  You MUST keep your VM images powered down and boot them to sequence from.  The package GUID seed is only created ONCE at boot time.

Tim Mangan on what you need to know about App-V 5