Thursday, August 30, 2012

Adobe Reader X 10.1.4


Obtain the download details at the above location to download the media.

Obtain the Customisation Install Wizard (CIW) from the above location.  The enterprise deployment document is also useful reading.

Run the setup and obtain the extracted install media files.

Do an admin install to a selected location.
msiexec /a acroread.msi

Patch the admin point
msiexec /p <PatchName>.msp

Create any Javascripts required to control menu items.

Use the CIW to create a transform for the admin point acroread.msi.
Include the above javascript files in the files section of the tool.

Customise the transform in ORCA if necessary.

Friday, August 24, 2012

App-V 4.6 manual local setup

Use the following command to test a package on an App-V client without using a deployment server.

Firstly check streaming from a local file is enabled. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SoftGrid\4.5\Client\Configuration\AllowIndependentFileStreaming = 1

sftmime add package:<packagename> /manifest <path to *_manifest.xml file> /overrideurl <path to *.sft> /global

also use this to remove it

sftmime delete package:<packagename>

use this to repair it.  This can be run in the context of the user. The AppName is as per the properties of the items shown in the sftcmc.msc App-V applet.

sftmime repair app:<AppName>

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Personal Productivity Applications are not supported.

Packaging Rule No. 357

Personal Productivity Applications are not supported.

Adobe AIR 3.x 4.x 13.x etc

Download the installer and extract out the resource files along with setup.msi.

Attempts to run the setup.msi file end with "Could not access network location (computed)."

This section applies to older 3.x only****
Apply the following modifications:
Create a transform for the MSI
Set the property

Prevent the EULA prompt:
Create the eulaAccepted file by launching an AIR application and configure the package to deliver this to C:\ProgramData\Adobe\AIR

Prevent Updates:
HKLM\Software\Policies\Adobe\AIR    DWORD UpdateDisabled     value #1

Starting 14 November 2013 Adobe made a significant change to their versioning number approach.
At the time of this update (April 2014) running the downloaded AIR installer resulted in an installation versioned 4.0.1390.0.  After running the executable installer an update would almost immediately be offered.  Running this update downloaded and runs an updated setup.msi in the temp folder.  This is similar to the original setup.msi and applies later file versions.

To create a package of an up to date Adobe AIR installation it is necessary to trap the updated setup.msi running from the temp folder during the update process.  Use this in the same way as previously to create your package.

Adobe AIR version information

Thursday, August 16, 2012


psexec.exe is a sysinternals tool for remotely running commands.

For example

psexec.exe \\machine ipconfig /all

remotely runs the ipconfig /all command on \\machine but provides the output to the "host" machine where psexec.exe has been run. admin permissions are required of course.

psexec can also be used to run commands in the context of the local system account.  Using

psexec -s -d msiexec.exe /i "%~dp0xxFILENAMExx.MSI" TRANSFORMS="%~dp0xxPackageNamexx.mst" /L*V %temp%\xxPackageNamexx.log /qn

would run a Windows Installer installation in the context of the Local System account in the same way that SCCM does. -s Use System Account  -d Don't wait for process to terminate (Non Interactive)

A further option enables the current command window to run as it would on the remote machine.  For example, after issuing the command

psexec \\machinename cmd.exe -i

the current command window now acts as it would on the remote machine.  Typing HOSTNAME will return the remote machines hostname not the hostname of the machine the command window appears to be running on.

psexec \\machinename -s cmd.exe -i

the above command runs the session in system context.

PsExec cmds will not execute against a remote ip address/machine unless either a) that machines Firewall is disabled or b) File and Print Sharing is enabled - so it can access the Admin$ share.

-u <username> -p <password> can be used to supply the admin account credentials

Friday, August 3, 2012

Web Browser Plug in Test Pages

Java Version (expired)?  this page explains the new (Jan '14) unsigned Java applet restrictions


Sites and URLs listed in a text file %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\Security\exception.sites

can be excepted.

Javascript Benchmarking

SVG Test Page

PDF Test Page

Silverlight Test Page

Note: Ensure the Silverlight ActiveX control is enabled in IE or else it may appear to be installed but not working.

Embedded QuickTime movie page

Embedded Video test page - Big Buck Bunny

Test Media Library - multiple formats
Quicktime (MOV) Test File 13 does play in Quicktime player but it is a very
boring video about a tortoise.  Sorry.


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Passing Remote Recording through RDP on Win 7

I was using Microsoft Remote Desktop on a Microsoft Windows 7 machine to remotely control an other Windows 7 machine an I was running Skype on the remote machine. There was coming sound through the boxes of the local machine, but the microphone was not recorded even when the settings of the Local Resources where: Remote audio playback [Play on this computer] and Remote audio recording [Record from this computer].


The problem was found in the control panel > sound > recording > Select a recording device below to modify its settings:
this list was empty.

After setting the registry key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\fDisableAudioCapture] to [0] on the remote machine and reconnecting the problem was solved.