Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Supersedence Clash 0x87d00266


In this scenario an application with a dependency could be seen in the assigned application list but would not appear in the software center or initialize download or installation.

The clue was errors in the AppIntentEval .log

CAppIntnentSolver::Solve failed with error = 0x87d00266

This line and the lines above provide the references for the applications involved.

In this case App1 was deployed with a dependency e.g. Dependency1

A different App2 was then deployed with a similar but upgraded version of Dependency1.  We'll call it Dependency2.

Dependency2 had been configured to Supersede Dependency1.

Because of the clash App2 and Dependency2 would not install.  The expected behaviour would be for Dependency2 to install(upgrade) Dependency1 and then install App2.  However it appears that unless App1 has Dependency2 added to its dependency group the App2 and Dependency2 do not satifisy the necessary rules to install.

There is a much better explanation of this here by Horatiu Vladasel
