Friday, July 21, 2017

wscript exit code errorlevel 9009

The same script can end with different command box errorlevel values between cscript and wscript. The command box %errorlevel% after a wscript command will likely be 9009.  This is because the command interpreter immediately becomes ready for the next command even if the script is still running.  It is not able to receive the exit code from the wscript interpreter.  cscript on the otherhand waits for the script to exit before the command box is available again.  In that case the %errorlevel% command reflects the vbscript exit code.

echo %errorlevel%

Friday, July 7, 2017

Windows 10 File Explorer Quick Access - Working on it

Bit of a noddy one this.
Attempting to launch File Explorer in Windows 10 results in a window with the "Working on it" status which then hangs and then the explorer shell completely crashes and initializes.

Reboot.  Launch File Explorer by entering a known folder name in the search bar.  This launches File Explorer in a specific folder.
In View_Options_Change folder and search options:

Change the Open File Explorer to: setting to point to This PC.
Click Clear and Restore Defaults.