Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Windows8 Hyper-V and VMWare Workstation Player 12.0

Although VMWare Workstation Player 12 will install on a Windows 8 PC with the Hyper-V feature enabled, it will not launch a virtual machine (VM) that is created until the Hyper-V Platform subfeature is unchecked and the PC rebooted several times.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Manual Connection Group Configuration

Use the following XML to generate the Connection Group definition XML file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AppConnectionGroup AppConnectionGroupId="06DACB3C-10E8-444F-A3FB-646F695BD21D" VersionId="5E9249E4-0D2C-4F8C-8BB2-708288294FD4" Priority="0" DisplayName="<NAME>" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/appv/2010/virtualapplicationconnectiongroup">
<Package PackageId="a3020438-47ff-4041-9c03-b78255c82c10" VersionId="5b2ba854-92d9-4c4b-b855-837748349f29">
<Package PackageId="aaea7d7c-79e0-43f8-88eb-4ae8f6d0692e" VersionId="e3b074a5-51ff-4d4c-8dc0-6a15ad6a37e6">

Add-AppvClientConnectionGroup -path <path to xml file>

Once the packages in the connection group are published, then the connection group can be enabled

Enable-AppvClientConnectionGroup <NAME> 

The following message can appear when a connection group in enabled
The application failed to launch.
This may be due to a network failure

This can be caused by the Advanced settings inside the packages not being the exactly the same. 

Connection Group Reference

See this article for the "Laws of Connection Groups"


Config XML details

Monday, April 11, 2016

ProgramFilesX86S and the other S folders

User VFS, the COW and the S folders.....

Standard users will read and write from the regular directory (with relaxed ACL’s) while elevated processes will read and write to the “S” version.

This is further explained here
