Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Turn Windows features on or off

The "Turn Windows features on or off" applet can be accessed by calling


Monday, September 22, 2014

SCCM 2012 Client Exit Codes

"The software change returned the error code"

0x87D00324 (-2016410844)
successful but detection method did not detect the software as installed.

0x87D00213 (-2016411117)
Install took longer than allowed.
08x87D00607 (-2016410105)
Unable to download the software.
(May not be on the DP yet or DP not reachable.)

All Time Amazing Error Code Page: <link updated May 2020>


Failed as we may never execute due to Service Window Constraints.
This occurs if the job Maximum Runtime is set to longer than the available maintenance window.

This error can occur when the installation command line does not relate to the associated installation files.  In our case the command line was referencing one MSI file name when the MSI file in the cache was called something else.  The source files had somehow been inadvertently been renamed.
Credits to Naj Qadir for discovering the cause on this one.

0x87D01107 (-2016407289)
This occurs if there is an installation assignment which tries to start, but before it can start, you delete the cached installation media.

0x80070057   An 800Mb App-V package was failing to arrive at a client.
In this case, Adaptiva was being used as part of the media distribution system.  It looked as though there was some problem with the SCCM link with Adaptiva.
The client ContentTransferManager.log contained:

CTM job {A5DE7D59-BB4F-4E2F-88ED-76A68F5956B1} encountered error 0x80070057 during download ('Content is not published in Adaptiva')- The error is non retriable.

Update Content was used in the Console.  The media arrived correctly at the clients (via the Adaptiva Cache hidden on C:\) soon afterward and installed correctly.

0087D0128F (-2016406897) The App-V sftmime command returned failure
This is a bit misleading because this came from an App-V 5 client where there is no sftmime (App-V 4.6 era)
So anyway you're gonna love this one:
In this case the clients had somehow been created with no 8.3 naming applied to the folder structure - type dir \x  at the root of C:    You should see Progra~1  Progra~2 etc.  If you don't there could be problems.  Here it affected the App-V client and prevented it installing App-V packages from SCCM.   The media all downloaded with nowhere to go !  doh.

0x87D00667 (-2016410009) No current or future service window exists to install software updates

Can occur in the following situation:
App-V 5 App is deployed as Required.  User Experience settings are
Display in Software Center, and show all notifications.
Software Installation NOT TICKED
System Restart........ NOT TICKED
Commit Changes at deadline........ NOT TICKED

Manually remove the App-V application which has already installed using a remove-appvclientpackage command

Start the Application Deployment Evaluation Cycle

This will attempt to put the application back, however if a maintenance window is in effect it will fail with this error.  The user can simply initiate a manual "retry" and it will be successful.

Software Installation TICKED
Enables the application to re-install with or without a maintenance window in place.

Applications which are marked Hide in Software Center and all notifications
Software Installation NOT TICKED
will not install until the maintenance windows has ended.

0x80040322 (-2147220702) Rule is in conflict with other rules

A supersedence entry was stopping the install.  It looked like the supersedence entry was acting as a requirement instead of supersede if relevent.  Once the supersedence entry was removed the install downloaded and installed.

0x87D0128F (-2016406897) The App-V time command returned failure

This occured on a client where the App-V package had been manually test installed.  When the SCCM deployment was setup SCCM removed the package from the computer because it was not in the deployment collection.  Once it was put back into the collection and install attempted from software center, the above error occured.

The problem was corrected by restarting the Microsoft App-V Client service.


But that means success right? er no.  This can occur in the following scenario:
AppV app deployed to a user collection but the user policy is not enabled in the client settings "Enable user policy on clients = No"
The application is available in the software center but attempts to install it fail with 0x0(0)


Downgrade failure.
A later software version had been manually test installed, therefore detection not true of older SCCM deployment.  SCCM attempted install but failed because the MSI Install detected the later version already present.  To resolve - remove the machine from the deployment collection to prevent further doomed installation attempts.

0x87D00669 (-2016410007)  Not able to get software updates content locations at this time

Easy one this.  Ensure the content is on the relavent DPs

0x80070422 (-2147023838)  Seen with the failure of updates

Cause: Windows Update service was not running.

Powershell tricks

This post was constantly being expanded and added to so the contents have now been transferred to a dedicated powershell blog.

This post will now be updated with any useful App-V powershell routines.

To unpublish published App-V packages which match the "where"

$list = get-appvclientpackage | where {$ -like "*tsm*"} | select -expand Name
Echo $list
ForEach ($Name in $list)

echo $name
unpublish-appvclientpackage -name $name | select Name, IsPublishedToUser

Note the use of the "-expand" Without it, the variable values are not suitable for input to the unpublish-appsvclientpackage cmdlet. Obviously remove the where to unpublish all the apps.

Friday, September 12, 2014

App-V 5 Error Codes

if you get an app-v 5 error message, look up the last few digits in hex
convert to decimal, using calc.exe, and look up the code here:
e.g. the 534 error that appears if you try to run user scripts under a local account in SP2, means:
1332 (0x534)
No mapping between account names and security IDs was done.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Adobe Application Manager Enterprise Edition (AAMEE)

AAMEE is a deployment preparation tool for use with CSx releases of various Adobe products. 

AAMEE enables an MSI based installer to be created.

The trickiest part of this task is very likely to be obtaining the Adobe ID and password for the item that you are packaging. However one this is done the resulting package can install without activation.

Download from here

Documentation here

This is important information for virtualising attempts re CS6