Thursday, May 30, 2013

SCCM Client Center - App-V 4.6

Run the following command to install the SCCM Client Center to the Q: location.

Msiexec /i <Path>\SMSCliCtrV2_X64_Public.msi INSTALLDIR=”Q:\011537.V01\SCCM Tools\SCCM Client Center”

Once Monitoring has stopped. Ensure the Application is launched at the Configure Software Stage.

In the Files Tab of Editing mode mark the CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA and all the objects below it as User Data and tick the Override box.  Use the Apply button to confirm the setting.  This forces the user settings for the application to be kept inside the bubble in the user.config file.  If this is not done the settings are written to a file outside the bubble in %LOCALAPPDATA%\SCCM_Tools\SMSCliCtrV2.exe_Url_v2crw2edweequnwi2j3kxankklj4dxsn\\user.config

Friday, May 24, 2013

IE session memory control

Internet Explorer memory control

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

pkg file analysers

Monday, May 13, 2013

XML reserved characters

There are 5 predefined entity references in XML:

less than
greater than
quotation mark

Friday, May 10, 2013

Problems with App-V 4.6 applications using Word Excel and Powerpoint

These settings enable direct shortcuts to .docx or xlsx files in shortcuts or from within applications, to work when an existing (external bubble) word or excel session exists.

For .doc / .xls file adjust the Word.Document.8 / Excel.Sheet.8 registry locations.

Powerpoint launches a separate session in the bubble even if an existing session is running outside.  Remember to include the TERMINATECHILDREN=TRUE for these items because the bubble will remain open after the powerpoint session is closed. - cause unknown.

Note that there are limitations inherent in using these registry modifications.  These registry modifications are version specific.  If a later version of office were to be deployed then these setting would need to be adjusted.  Another approach to this solution would be to use a script to detect the current MS Offiice installation before applying the registry modifications.

Launch word Documents:

<REGKEY HIVE="HKCR" KEY="Word.Document.12\shell\Open\command" NOREDIR="FALSE">
<REGVALUE REGTYPE="REG_SZ">"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\WINWORD.EXE" /w "%1"</REGVALUE>
<REGKEY HIVE="HKCR" KEY="Word.Document.12\shell\Open\command" NOREDIR="FALSE">
<REGVALUE REGTYPE="REG_SZ" NAME="command">xb'BV5!!!!!!!!!MKKSkWORDFiles&gt;bi$T!V!0Z={Pk0vm~AZu /w "%1"</REGVALUE>

Launch Excel Documents:

<REGKEY HIVE="HKCR" KEY="Excel.Sheet.12\shell\Open\command" NOREDIR="FALSE">
 <REGVALUE REGTYPE="REG_SZ">"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.EXE" /e "%1"</REGVALUE>
<REGVALUE REGTYPE="REG_SZ" NAME="command">xb'BV5!!!!!!!!!MKKSkEXCELFiles&gt;VijqBof(Y8&apos;w!FId1gLQ /e "%1"</REGVALUE>
<REGKEY HIVE="HKCR" KEY="Excel.Sheet.8\shell\Open\command" NOREDIR="FALSE">
<REGVALUE REGTYPE="REG_SZ">"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\EXCEL.EXE" /e "%1"</REGVALUE>
<REGVALUE REGTYPE="REG_SZ" NAME="command">xb'BV5!!!!!!!!!MKKSkEXCELFiles&gt;VijqBof(Y8&apos;w!FId1gLQ /e %1</REGVALUE>
<REGKEY HIVE="HKCR" KEY="Excel.Sheet.12\shell\Open\ddeexec" NOREDIR="FALSE">
<REGKEY HIVE="HKCR" KEY="Excel.Sheet.8\shell\Open\ddeexec" NOREDIR="FALSE">

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Problem with App-V 4.6 applications using local install Adobe Reader X 10.1.4

Recently problems with App-V applications launching .pdf files began to reveal that there was, in fact, several problems in existence. Between version 9 and version 10 of Adobe Acrobat Reader (AAR) Adobe introduced a protected mode design which seems to have been the cause of problem 2 below. Below are the problems and their solutions that have been identified. Note that these are specific to providing compatibility with AAR version 10. If version 11 is deployed these settings could become ineffective within the packages that they are used.


If a physical version of AAR v10 was running, launching .pdf links either directly from App-V shortcuts or from within the application, an error message would appear:

“There was an error opening this document. This file cannot be found.”

This occurs because the .pdf file is attempting to load inside the existing AAR session. Because the AAR session is outside the bubble it is unable to load the pdf file from the Q:


Insert these settings to the launch OSDs below the VIRTUALENV section in a section with <REGISTRY> tags

<REGKEY HIVE="HKLM" KEY="SOFTWARE\Classes\AcroExch.Document.7\shell\Read\command" NOREDIR="FALSE">

<REGVALUE REGTYPE="REG_SZ">"C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" /N "%1"</REGVALUE>

This causes .pdf to launch in a new AAR session which is inside the bubble and can therefore see the Q:

Problem 2

If AAR was was launched inside the bubble it would be unable to see registry settings outside the bubble. Normal application behaviour is for applications to “see out” of the bubble and take setting from the “real” registry on the machine. However, AAR was not doing this. This meant that AAR sessions in the bubble would behave differently from those outside. E.g. AAR sessions outside would have updating disabled. AAR sessions inside App-V bubbles would not. This is thought to be due to a problem with AAR protected mode not working as expected inside a bubble.  Another symptom of protected mode is pdf launch failure on the second launch of the application (AcroRd32.exe launches then shuts down and there is a brief flash on the screen).  To reproduce this, launch a App-V pdf and then close the AAR session and close the application.  The user .pkg takes on settings which prevent the next pdf launch after the second App-V application launch.


Insert these settings to the launch OSDs below the VIRTUALENV section in a section with <REGISTRY> tags

<REGKEY HIVE="HKCU" KEY="SOFTWARE\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\Privileged" NOREDIR="FALSE">

This causes AAR sessions inside the bubble to NOT run in protected mode and therefore have the correct settings applied in the same way a normal AAR session does.

Problem 3

AAR would appear to launch ok in the bubble on the first launch be then exhibit unexpected behaviour on second launches e.g. the EULA would pop up.

This was found to be caused by the App-V environment creating override keys HKLM\Software\Adobe\Distiller\6.0 in the App-V package settings (.pkg files). Once these were created they overrode the required settings in the HKLM\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader

You will have noticed that during sequencing, HKLM\Software\Adobe\Distiller\6.0 is always created in the virtual registry. Notice that these items are set to override. If deleted they are recreated in override mode in the App-V package settings as described above.


Specifically include HKLM\Software\Adobe\Distiller\6.0 in the virtual registry and ensure that every level is set to merge.


Going forward applications which are to be virtualised should have the Q: searched for the presence of any .pdf files. If they are found to be present then actions to solve the problems above need to be applied. The solutions above involve applied fixed or “hardcoded” settings within OSDs and this should be noted in associated documentation. Other possible approaches to solution could be

  • · A separate DSC App-V package which carries the Problem 1 and 2 settings. This is then suited with the primary App-V application to provide the settings.

    Advantages – only one package to change if AAR is upgraded to version 11
    Disadvantage – managing a version 11 DSC fix package to deploy at the same time as AAR version 11 could be difficult to implement. 
  • · A pre run script could be designed to detect the installed AAR version and correctly set appropriate settings.
    Advantage – can be tested with version 11 which is already released but not yet deployed in the target environment.
    Disadvantages – cannot be guaranteed to work with versions above 11 and requires development and testing time to be set aside. 

Quick code cut and paste:

<REGKEY HIVE="HKLM" KEY="SOFTWARE\Classes\AcroExch.Document.7\shell\Read\command" NOREDIR="FALSE">
<REGVALUE REGTYPE="REG_SZ">"C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 10.0\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" /N "%1"</REGVALUE>

<REGKEY HIVE="HKCU" KEY="SOFTWARE\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\10.0\Privileged" NOREDIR="FALSE">

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

User Temp Profiles and user pkg file

App-V 4.6

If for whatever reason temporary profiles are in use, it may prevent the proper generation of %APPDATA%\SoftGrid Client\<package id>\UsrVol_sftfs_v1.pkg