Intune: What is Retire / Wipe / Delete / Fresh Start / Autopilot Reset – Cloud Identity – Modern IT
MSI, App-V, SCCM, Appsense, Citrix. This blog contains hints and tips on these technologies. Primarily it is an online notebook of items that I may need to refer to in the future, or things I constantly forget!
$Shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application
Issue a restart for the Microsoft Intune Management Extension windows service.
use this command to locate the suspect package name
DISM /online /Get-Packages
identify the target package from the listed output then use this command to remove it
DISM /online /Remove-Package /PackageName:<PackageName(Identity)>
Delete stored wifi networks from command line:
netsh wlan delete profile name=* i=*
quickie command to return the serial number (pre Windows 11 24H2)
wmic bios get serialnumber
C:\Windows\System\wbem\wmic.exe has been removed from Windows 11 24H2.
Powershell command Windows 11 24H2 and older
get-wmiobject -namespace root/CIMV2 -class Win32_bios | select -expand SerialNumber
Domain Accounts can get locked out if the account password is changed but a previous logon to a box somewhere remains.
To locate the box which still has a logon, logon to a domain controller and filter the security log for events IDs 4740. Account lockout events will reveal which computer has a logon which is causing the lockout.